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Web Design Los Angeles
Web Design SEO Since 1996




Speak directly to a website designer about your website needs and get a free website quote! The cost of a website is often the bottom line for small businesses. We can help you get what you need for a price you can afford.

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Web Design California is a small business web design company in the Los Angeles area....we are a small business website design company with BIG personal service. We are not the biggest but we might be the best web design company for you!

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Why choose our company? We cater to small business and individuals who need a high quality professional website and personal service tailored to their needs and budget. We have been in business since 1996 and still have many clients who chose our services in those early years...there are good reasons for this.

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Search Engine OptimizationWe work directly with Google to create a website from the ground up that meets Google SEO guidelines. There is always additional search engine optimization work that can be done on a website and this work can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand.

Below are some of the basic areas we cover in the SEO process:

  • Determine your optimal keyword phrases. We need your input for about 20 phrases and then we run software to determine how often those phrases are actually used, what your competition is for them, and also research alternative phrases.

  • We run search engine reports to determine where you actually are in the search engines for your keyword phrases, who your competitors are and how they rank

  • We analyze your top competitor's main pages for optimization content and use relevant items on your site

  • Add keyword phrase "title" tags to the links in the website, these are inserted in the HTML code and are not visible unless you "View Source" in your browsers but search engines see these descriptive titles and they count toward keyword content.

  • Add or adjust keyword phrase "alt" tags for the images, these are also inserted in the HTML code and are not visible unless you "View Source" in your browsers but search engines see these descriptive titles and they count toward keyword content.

  • Add or modify all webpage "title" tags.  These are titles for the pages themselves and they should contain appropriate keyword content for each specific page.

  • Add or adjust metatags; keyword tags and content tags still count with many search engines

  • Examine and rewrite homepage text with client collaboration, to include keyword phrases and to comply with Google preferences for homepage content and keyword frequency.

  • Create a Google "Sitemap" on your website, this is a sitemap that complies with Google requirements and helps them to index your site.

  • Perform general clean up of the website files and code.

  • Find and eliminate all broken links and improper HTML

  • Register your website with Google Webmaster Tools so we can monitor what Google is seeinng when they spider your site.

  • Use Google Analytics to monitor traffic to your website, analyze keyword content

  • We use a host of other tools to check, analyze, and monitor your website for possible problems or errors that can affect your search engine positions

Web Design California is a Site-Maker company

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